Sloth Excavation. Remains of a giant ground sloth (Megalonyx jeffersoni) have been discovered in a creek bed near Northboro in southwestern Iowa. Surface colleting to date suggests that most of the bison-sized beast is present within a few square meters. The property owners have agreed to a dig on their property to recover the specimen so that it can be displayed next to the model ground sloth in Iowa Hall. I would like to involve interested students in the recovery and preservation of the remains. A few bones were on the surface but most seem to be six to eight inches below the surface. The drought is working in our favor because the fossil-bearing sediments are now exposed and if we can work fast we will not have to divert the stream. I wish to excavate the specimen in two phases.
Phase I. Next week it would be helpful to have about six people to remove the overburden down to the level of the sloth. That is, dig until bone is encountered and keep expanding the test until we have some idea as to the geographic distribution of the sloth. I would like to work for two days on phase I, a combination of either Wednesday/Thursday, Thursday/Friday, Friday/Saturday, or Saturday/Sunday of next week (Sept 3/4, 4/5, 5/6 or 6/7), which proves best for volunteers. I will find the two days that suit the most people and we will try to arrange a car pool or University van for that period. If possible we will have an orientation program for first phase volunteers during the middle of next week. There certainly will be one for the main dig.
Phase II. The following week return with as many as interested to uncover the specimen with small tools (trowels, etc.) to uncover the beast, map the distribution of the bones and collect bulk samples for microfossils. I plan to start this the following Thursday through Saturday.
Northboro is a four hour drive from Iowa City so one overnight will be required. There are motels in Shenandoah, about 20 miles North. I also will inquire about camp grounds As of now participants should plan on arrange car pooling and housing on their own, especially for Phase I. I will try to work out a van and other amenities for phase II.
If you are interested in participation, there are two sign up sheets in the office, one for each phase. Please let me know as soon as possible if you wish to dig as the number of participants dictates the excavation itinerary. Questions may be directed to Holmes Semken, Julie Golden or David Brenzel.
Holmes A. Semken Aug 26, 2003